A Journey Towards Healing

Dora Markle is a certified Reiki Master, Celtic Shaman, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner, passionately serving York, PA, Lancaster, PA, and surrounding areas. With a heartfelt belief in self-discovery and wellness, Dora offers personalized sessions both in-person and virtually via Zoom.

Expertise and Compassion

Her unique blend of services, including Reiki with Crystals, Soul Retrieval, Life Weaving Dowsing, Past Life Regressions, and Herbal Blessings, aims to heal the mind, body, and spirit. With years of experience and a loving touch, Dora has helped countless individuals find themselves in many profound ways.

“Let Me Show You How to Help Yourself”

Dora’s philosophy is rooted in empowerment and self-guidance. Whether it’s a session in Quantum Healing or a Soul Retrieval experience, she’s dedicated to showing you how to help yourself. Talk with Dora, and be amazed at what you might find out about yourself and your path to wellness.

Call Us: 717-318-4291 | BOOK A SESSION NOW

Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey?

Explore our offerings and schedule a session with Dora. Your path to well-being starts here.

Grow Towards Wellness ↗

Wellness is a dynamic process of growth and change. Let Dora guide you towards a fulfilling and healthy life, available to those in York, PA, Lancaster, PA, and beyond.

Your Health & Wellness Matter ↗

With an array of specialized techniques, Dora helps subdue stress, reduce illness, and ensure positive moments in your life.

Elevate Your Everyday↗

Live a life filled with passion and purpose. Discover personalized approaches that empower you to thrive, invigorate your daily routine, and help you achieve your goals.